Creativity is changing constantly, so mental resilience is an important skill for artists and visionaries to gain to continue being creative. Mental resilience is the ability bounce back from setbacks, grow from the challenges you face and improve your craft along the way. Even though there will be adversity, you can always cultivate this inner strength to push through a tough project and create something mind-blowing.
1. The Essence of Mental Resilience
Mental resilience is a dynamic quality that you can nurture and grow over time. Although at times you may think your resilience level is fixed, that may not be the case. It's all about how you respond to life's challenges and use them to get over challenging circumstances. This means as a creative, you may need to look at criticism as constructive feedback. Yes, even that failed project is a learning opportunity for you.
2. Cultivating Resilience in Your Creative Practice
Look on the bright side
It's so easy to dwell on how bad it may seem if your creative pitch was rejected or if you experience writers block but there has to be something that you can take from this. You may ask yourself: Is there something I can learn right now? How might this setback lead to my greatest breakthrough? As you reframe the obstacles you turn them into opportunities for growth and innovation.
Recognize Your Creative Strength
Remind yourself of past creative triumphs, no matter how small. Did you finish a challenging piece? Overcome a particularly stubborn bout of writer's block? These memories serve as proof of your resilience and can bolster your confidence when facing new challenges.
Choose Your Creative Response
Remember that you have control over how you react to creative setbacks. You can choose to let a harsh critique deflate you, or you can use it as motivation to refine your skills. This sense of agency is empowering and can fuel your creative drive.
Let Go of Creative Grudges
Holding onto resentment over a rejected submission or a negative review can poison your creative well. Instead of dwelling on past disappointments, channel that energy into your next project. Letting go frees up mental space for new ideas and collaborations.
Gain Perspective on Your Art
When faced with a creative challenge, take a step back. Ask yourself how this problem will look in a week, a month, or a year. Will it still matter? This broader view can help you prioritize your creative energy and focus on what truly matters in your artistic journey.
As you learn, do and grow in your creativity you will start to see your resilience grow too. It's about patiently learning along the way, and being optimistic that it does work out in the end.